Indonesia - What We Do - Oxfam Hong Kong
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Indonesia is the world’s fourth most populous country. The country is now classified by the UN as a middle-income country, but still has very large numbers of poor people: 40 million people are living in poverty, and 96 million live on less than US$2 per day.

The country is very vulnerable to major disasters, including earthquakes and tsunami. An increasing number of shocks, such as fuel and food price rises and climate-related disasters, have exposed large numbers of people to vulnerability and have inhibited the country’s development. Women as a whole remain marginalised in decision-making and access to resources.

Oxfam Hong Kong has been supporting local organisations in Indonesia since 2001. Oxfam’s programmes focus on livelihoods and security, including:

  • support for the development of more secure and sustainable rural livelihoods
  • policy advocacy on issues such as agricultural, labour, climate change, humanitarian and gender issues
  • humanitarian response and disaster preparedness
