Kate Lee - Feature Stories - Oxfam Hong Kong
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Feature Stories

Kate Lee

Image of Kate Lee

Kate joined Oxfam Hong Kong in 2013 as humanitarian and disaster risk management programme officer. Her work has put her in touch with a lot of disasters and emergencies. What has impressed her most is the power of people, and the fact that those in disasters are able to say: “We are homeless, but not helpless.”

Image of 訪非洲馬拉維社區 師生民齊心 打破傾側傳統

Africa, Development Programmes23 AUG 2019

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Image of 非洲南部風災 莫桑比克救災札記

Oxfamily02 AUG 2019

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Image of 尼泊爾地震四周年 救援路步步前行

Humanitarian06 JUN 2019

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Image of Ebola update: We can't stop now

Humanitarian, Africa27 FEB 2015

Oxfam Community Support Workers teach children in West Point, Monrovia (Liberia) how important it is to wash their hands to prevent the contraction of Ebola. | Abbie Trayler-Smith / Oxfam

When I brought my niece to drawing class last Saturday, I was requested to pay HK$2 to buy a face mask for her because we forgot to bring one. Upon arriving at the centre, she, like the other children, had her temperature taken and had to wash her hands before entering the classroom. With the government’s Preparedness Plan for Influenza Pandemic setting its response level at ‘serious’, it’s unsurprising that these measures are in place. In fact, they show how important changing people’s behaviours is in reducing transmissions.
These kinds of simple preventative measures have also been used in Guinea to minimise the risk of Ebola transmissions when more than 1.3 million children returned to school in January this year. Due to the Ebola outbreak, schools in the three most affected countries (Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone) did not reopen after the end of the July-August holidays, depriving five million children of months of education. Putting these measures in place has allowed Guinea to reopen its schools on 19 January, Liberia on 16 February and Sierra Leone at the end of March.

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